A New Union between Iceland and Norway? - Oct.11.2008 (C) Andrew J. Bevan, last update Oct.15.2008.
'Is a New Union between Iceland
and Norway possible?'
This question comes to mind in view of the current crises. The anchestory bond between
Norway and Iceland is strong after the island was permenantly settled by
the Norsemen in the late 9th century A.D. (Ingólfur Arnarson AD 874).
The republic was under the rule of Norwegian between 1264 to 1381 (ref.
Book of World Horoscopes - Campion).
"- Maybe an agreement between Iceland and Norway along this context would include an independent administration." |
who is lady of the hour, is lady of the 7th (union) and 11th (relief)
and detrimented in the ascendant. She has recently lost
her own terms, but does still have dignity by face. She rules the
4th house of land and homecountry by exaltation. The exaltation rulers
show the extra-ordinary! Scorpio is on the ascendant, the sign that is naturally associated with Norway. The Moon is lady of the intercepted Cancer in the 8th house. This is the finanial issue. She also rules the 7th house by exaltation!! and applies to Mars, lord of the first by a dexter trine. The dexter aspect seeks secure and defensive solutions. Mars is lord of the ascendant and located in both sign, term and face. He is dispositor of Venus, and the Moon who is located in both the exaltation and term of Venus, does apply by aspect to him. Both Mars and Moon are cadent, which could make the proposition less likely, but both countries are of a remote location and maybe an agreement (3rd house) between Iceland and Norway along this context would include an independent administration (Moon in Pisces). |
Links: Skyscript.co.uk: National chart of Iceland, Will there be a new union?
Aftenposten 15.10.2008: Icelandic
professor suggest Currency Union