April eclipse 2005 warns Italy 
of tremors
Computor Software:
Astrocalc, England
  Etna and Vesuvia on alert   




Upon the solar eclipse April 8. 2005 the planet Uranus is located in the exact north of Italy in the same manner as Indonesia and Sumatra were emphasised by the Solar eclipse of Nov. 23. 2003. Since Uranus is located on the lower meridian of both Etna and  Vesuvia - we move into a period of close observation.

In the wake of the April eclipse the announcement of the new Pope seems very due. Other charts suggest this election occuring close to the height of the Summer while the official serimonies may be set for fall. The April eclipse occurs in the exaltation degree of the Sun, which is found by the square root of the 360 degree circle and is, thus, a Leoan degree. This could certainly be representive of some king or spiritual leader. According to astrological tradition and authorities like Ptolemy and Lilly, Italy is ruled by Leo.




