For English readers! Astrolog Andrew Bevan, QHP, DMS Astrol. Du er allerede i den norske versjonen! Men klikk 'her' for å komme til brev fra Kulturdepartementet.
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- Astrologer passes Challenge at Radio Norge -

The popular science-program 'Kosmo', hosted by Marianne Moe, at Radio Norway invited Astrologer Andrew Bevan to guest their shows on Jan 30. and Feb 13. 2011.  The first program, on Jan 30., was divided into two sessions; the first dedicated to Astronomy, the second to Astrology and it's relationship to Science. With music and commercials removed the 12 minute clip with Andrew Bevan may be listened to in Norwegian 'here'. At the end of the show, Marianne Moe challenges the astrologer to return in a later program and deliver interpretations on two charts to see whether the natives behind the charts can be recognized and distinguished beyond reasonable doubt.

The Radio Channel provided the astrologer with accurate birth data of two staff members, the one being the host herself – the other an unknown colleague of the approximately same age but not giving away any other details or letting on to who was who. The host said that they had relatively similar personality traits in some ways but differed in offers. With the general criticism of astrology being that chart readings can be made to fit everyone, the challenge was to describe the women so that they could distinguish the one from the other and recognize themselves in these descriptions beyond reasonable doubt.

The second program, with the verdict on the Astrological Challenge, was sent on Feb 13. and included other contributions from both a reputable astronomer, a scientist, a researcher and a zoologist. The report on the test of astrology appeared towards the end of the show and may be listened to in Norwegian 'here'. The verdict  of Radio Norge being that the astrologer had - BLOWN THEM OFF THEIR CHAIRS!

For non-Norwegian speaking visitors follows an English transcript of Radio Norway's introduction to the interview of Jan 30, which largely deals with the History of Astrology. Further below follows a transcript of the verdict given by RadioNorge after the astrologer had met their Astrological Challenge.

'Quote - Kosmo, RadioNorway, January 30. 2011'
- In spite of having failed empirical tests under supervised conditions and the lack of scientific evidence, the belief in astrology is widespread. And this is how it has been since Man for the first time began studying the stars.

The first astrological inscriptions we know come from Mesopotamia. In the ruins of a royal library from about 650 BC there were found astrological texts. In the 1st century BC the historian Pliny the elder relates of how astrology was developed in Chaldea and introduced to Greece from Babylon. Greek scientists were of the opinion that the Egyptians were the origin of astrology. At least one of the principle texts from about 150 BC was written by two Egyptian authors.

The importance of the elements in the different signs was introduced by one of Pythagoras pupils, Pherekydes, in the year 475 BC. The astrologer Aristotos from Salmos claimed in 280 BC the Earth and the planets were in orbit around the Sun but this notion was not warm heartedly received at the time. It was the Greek that combined their own God lore with the celestial heavens and that became determining for the nature and influences associated with the different astrological signs, the position of a planet in the sky and what will happen when these qualities perform at the same time in a horoscope.

The Romans adopted the astrology of the Greek. They kept the Greek astrological meanings but added different parts their own names and it was now in the Roman age that astrology really blossomed. Caesar Augustus was a follower of astrology. He had his own Sun sign Capricorn inscribed on several coins. His successor, Caesar Tiberius, was also a practicing astrologer. All the same, it was at this time, under the Roman Empire, that the critic of astrology was also raised. The Christians denied astrology and the Muslims were even more categorical in their condemnation. In spite of this more people became better acquainted with the secrets of astrology.

Astrology spread from Rome and north to Europe. In the 13th century astrology was taught at the University of Oxford. The famous doctor Paracelsus wrote a 500 page book on astrology. Nicolas Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler were all both astrologers and astronomers. They all cast and interpreted astrological charts on different occasions. But in spite of this it was Galileo Galilei who formed the theses; “Only that which can be measured is valuable scientifically” and with this he excluded astrology from the scientific collegium.

All the same, as curious as WE are, we will not let astrology lie with that.
This takes us to our next guest....

Entire sound track: Here - 12 min.


From 'Kosmo', RadioNorway, February 13. 2011:

Host Marianne Moe and Inger Dahle's reactions to the interpretations:

Marianne Moe: Yes, Inger, what do you have to say to this?
Inger Dahle: It’s just a matter of saying ‘Wow!’ (laughter)
Marianne: I think we both need to sit down a bit. First we will listen to some music and then we will give our verdict. (Introduction to music..)

Marianne Moe: You are listening to Kosmo at RadioNorge and we've sat ourselves down, Inger.
Inger: I was both astonished and overwhelmed at the same time. This was impressive! I was expecting something sweet and messy about my love-life and personal happiness, but then he went through real things that have happened both in my life and in your life, too.

Marianne: Astrologer Andrew Bevan has been allowed to leave the studio now, but we must say that it wasn’t difficult to recognize either of us. What was it that caught your attention?
Inger: Well, different things really, both in regards to the distant relationship to my parents, because this is a fact, and also the things occurred in my professional life 1 ½ years ago. It was the specific details that took me by surprise because when you read about astrology in newspapers and weekly magazines everything seems to have to do with love and happiness – but here it was just like he was picking up on our universal threads and the footprints of our lives.
Marianne: Yes, don’t you think? 1 ½ years ago there were professional changes in your life. For me he described it on the dot - 3 years ago. The positive thing is, as well, that you already, according to the astrologer, are in a very good ‘run’ professionally.

Inger: Yes, and you are approaching a very good period. It’s a good job we weren’t told that our best periods were behind us – because that would have been a bit sad (laughter).
Marianne: I just took note that my peak period starts 6 years ahead in time, which is the time when our use of the FM-wave length is due to be suspended (more laughter).
Inger: You could be the new Minister of Culture, for all we know.
Marianne: Yes (laughter), but I think we can conclude that Andrew Bevan literarily blew us off our chairs? And passed the test, don’t you agree?
Inger: Yes, and particularly because we are two critical women in our 40’s, who ask questions regarding the validity of things every time we are presented with something new. - And that's a needle’s eye it isn’t always easy to get through.

Entire Sound track: Here - 9 min.



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