Lunar Eclipse, 31 December 2009
by Andrew J. Bevan, QHP, DMS Astrol. (c) 2010
Partial Lunar eclipse
Included is also the accompanying partial lunar eclipse (appulse?) on New Year's Eve, 31 December 2009. Also this chart produced the erronous Solar symbol in the lower right hand corner. This error just makes me notice that Uranus is not far off the lower midheaven of Tokyo, where Saturn appears in the Solar eclipse in January. This does not neccessarily portray anything - but the eclipses combined could indicate some sort of 'tug'? One area that might have been monitored,Teheran (nuclear power or warfare?) does not appear to be under tension in either chart, thank God. However, Mars retrograde is on the ascendant of Meyrin, Switzerland (particle collidors) in the lunar eclipse of 31 December.
Particle Collider in Switzerland
Actually, the lunar eclipse could indicate some hazard or concern for the LHC project. Look at the chart. Whether it is the troubles the project has encountered up until today's date, or something that lies ahead should be unsaid, but the options should be taken into consideration. Mars, Lord of the Scorpio 4th house, is retrograde and on the ascendant. The fixed star Hamal in the Head of the Ram is 7TA49 and on the Midheaven. According to Ebertin this star is of the combination of Mars/Saturn and represents danger in the material sphere.
Mars retrograde on the ascendant could indicate fire or over-heating. The configuration does not necessitate such a happening - and I am sure that the scientists will be on the alert. Or at least, they should be. In an uncanny way, Mars retrograde on the ascendant may actually indicate something running fast and inflicting a collision, which is the essential nature and function of the particle collider.

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