THE AGE POINT SYSTEM - Part 4        copyright, Andrew J.Bevan, 2000 


The dispositor of the Age Point in an angular house is in a strategic and efficient position. The native is drawn to the foreground. Matters move quick. Results most often immediate and in the open. As long as the significator is not in a poor state, the period will be one of strength and dignity. Succedent houses are less potent than the angular and the native is not in the mainstream of the public. However, the working condition is good, everyday routines more efficient than when the dispositor is cadent. The cadent houses suggest delay. The native is drawn to the background, towards the less obvious. Matters are concealed with puzzle or mystery. Time is often spent on exploration or reorientation.

The performance of any planet in any house, whether a benefic or malefic, will be regulated by the zodiacal condition that planet is in. A planet in a good state will perform all the better and in an angular house, accentuate opportunity and success. But a planet in a poor state, i.e. weak by sign, and angular, will confront the native with complicated affairs, and at the worst indicate loss, combat, embarrassment or scandal.

The dispositor in the 1st house is generally prosperous for the venture and enterprise of the individual. Issues have a close personal involvement or resemblance. Leadership, growth, advancement or preferment is indicated, but the period will be best when the dispositor is a fortunate planet in a good state. When the opposite is the case the native may be held responsible and confronted with difficulty.

The 2nd house represents attachments and the immediate future. There is the question of personal investments. The native may have the opportunity to open new doors and invest him or her self towards the future. The 2nd house is a fortunate house, but the dispositor of the Age Point here and in an ill state will indicate financial loss or even bankruptcy.

The Age Point dispositor in the 3rd is good for mental stimuli, school, travel, communication, travel, and writing. There is emphasis on meetings and the negotiations. Often there is a strong involvement in the local community matters and the immediate environment. The process of making oneself more readily available. If the dispositor is in a poor state, then controversy and slander, trouble through neighbours or kin.

The dispositor in the 4th house occurs the native to garden his roots, basis and platform in life. This brings dealing with matters of land, real estate and property. Emphasis is on home, family, old people, agriculture or history. Since this house is angular, there is prominence, but opposing the 10th, there could be some failure or lack of public recognition.

When the dispositor is in the 5th the native is more creative and self-expressive. The native could become involved in the entertainment business, or with people out on play, dealing with children or tourists. Possible speculative enterprise with personal risk. This house may bring love affairs, other times pregnancy and childbirth.

The Age Point dispositor in the 6th raises questions of health and work. This could be a productive period of acquiring machinery and tools, however, this house is cadent and the native feels that success and rise is delayed.

If the dispositor is in the 7th, then partnership is likely. The native stretches out into the world, sometimes travel or crossing of bridges. A fortunated dispositor means that others will advance you. Adverse configurations will indicate opposition and doubtful involvements.

The dispositor in the 8th house is likely to bring about an upheaval and transition period, sometimes an identity crises, as the 8th connects to matters of life/death, sex, tax, dues, surgery, therapy, treatment, disattaching, separations and loss. The 8th brings about initiation and rebirth. An infortune in a poor state forewarns a possible accident. If the dispositor is in a good zodiacal state, then fortune through inheritance, insurance, banks or social welfare.

The dispositor in the 9th house gives travel and/or residence abroad. It will promote education and the gaining of certificates, diplomas, passports or legislations. Sometimes marriage. However, with the dispositor in a poor condition, there will be trouble through lawsuits. The 9th incites the higher mind, matters like religion, philosophy, writing, teaching and dealing with promoters.

If that planet is in the 10th house, then there will be public attention, for good or ill. But most often it gives a rise in office, advancement in the career and the native is brought to the height of his life. There is self-realization and self-awareness, but the depositor in Aquarius may bring about separation, divorce or emigration. The 10th brings us to our destiny.

When the dispositor is in the 11th, this indicates a turn of good fortune, luck and relief. The native may join clubs, organisations or find friends and belonging among a wider circle of people. The 11th provides appreciation, invitations and a wider distribution net. Opportunities appear out of the blue. Through crises and danger, more often than not there is an element of protection.

The dispositor of the Age Point in the 12th indicates hindrance, delay and difficulty. Success is postponed and the native encounters secret enemies. Sometimes the nameless enemies are just a case of bad weather turning the wrong way, but the native may become overpowered by large and sluggish bureaucratical systems. Other times the native has a secret, i.e. a secret love affair, which may not be expressed in the open. The 12th house represents places beyond public reach, i.e. hospitals, prisons and institutions. Often there is residence in a foreign country, somewhere where the native does not know all the ropes, or more locally, the native may be taken to outskirt districts. The 12th often means going the long way round but will promote personal creativity, inner discovery and the exploration of matters greater than life.


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