connects Earthquakes of Haiti, Chile & Mexico,
correctly predicts afterquakes.
Press release 27.February 2010
Full review of
From the thread:

Location: Oslo, Norway |
Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:33 pm
Post subject: Earthquake 8,8 Richter hits
coast of Chile |
8,8 Richter hits coast of Chile
The most powerful quake hitting the area for 50
years. Tsunami warnings have been issued. Date: 27
February 2010. Time
03.34 near the epicenter, or 06.34 GMT. Depth 35
km. Latitude: 35S50, Longitude:72W43. |
Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:24 pm
I should point out that no more than 45
days passed since the earthquake in Haiti.
This is something that I have stressed on several
occasions, that earthquake moved in families and
that there often appears an interval of 45 days
between such quakes. |
tsunami-earthquake, Dec 26. 2004
Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:14 pm
Another giga-sized
earthquake does not necessarily have to occur on the
next 45 day key-date but if that were the case then 13
April is the date. The first thing to do is to see
whether a new major afterquake occurs after the Moon has
moved 90 degrees forwards in the sky, which brings us to
5 March.
The next step in our research into this sequence of
quakes I would suggest to be determining the initiating
quake. Being uncertain on this at present my best guess
would be directing a point from somewhere in Sagittarius
(Chile) and 45 degrees ahead into either the next sign
Capricorn, or to the first half of Aquarius[corrected].
Nations under the rulership of either Capricorn or
Aquarius could be vulnerable for such a shake-up. This
argument would be strengthened if there was some
lunation or other local phenomena going on in that area
at that point in time.
[Explanation: Capricorn is Mexico or India]

Location: Oslo, Norway
Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:43 am |
I would also
point out that while the Haiti earthquake occurred 18N27,
72W27, the Chile quake occurred 35S50,
72W43. This is not only interesting in
terms of longitude, where both quakes occur on the
same meridian, but also in terms of latitude: The
earthquake in Chile occurs at twice
the distance from the equator as in
comparison with the Haiti quake.
18, 36, 72. |
Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:46 am |
think that in view of the major earthquake hitting
Chile on 27 February and the numerous powerful
afterquakes of about 5-6 Richter in the area
afterwards, the question at present is whether
such quakes may increase in size and tension as
the Moon passes through the fixed sign of Scorpio,
and if such a quake does occur how close this
phenomena comes to the Moon's square to it's own
position that is exact in the 19th degree of
Scorpio (i.e. to 18LE25) at about 10-11 a.m GMT
tomorrow. Other powerful global earthquakes occurring close to this time can be related to the
Chile earthquake by this aspect. |
Prediction confirmed: |
Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:57 am |
2nd largest earthquake and afterquake in Chile
since 27 February was just reported only 1 hour
ahead of the Moon perfecting her square and in
agreement with my prediction.
Quote: |
Geographic coordinates: 36.709S, 73.444W
Magnitude: 6.3 M
Depth: 35 km
Universal Time (UTC): 5 Mar 2010 09:19:36
Time near the Epicenter: 5 Mar 2010
06:19:36 |
This afterquake is only surpassed by the one on 27
February that measured 6,9 Richter and that occurred only one hour after the main quake. The
case I was trying to prove would have been more
obvious if the quake had been closer to 7 Richter,
but the Moon is yet within the tension area for
hours to come. It is unlikely that any such event
should occur with the tension just being released
by a 6,3 Richter earthquake. |

Location: Oslo, Norway
Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:32 pm |
is the quake:
Quote: |
Geographic coordinates: 36.513S, 73.116W
Magnitude: 6.6 Mw
Depth: 35 km
Universal Time (UTC): 5 Mar 2010 11:47:10
Time near the Epicenter: 5 Mar 2010
Local standard time in your area: 5 Mar
2010 11:47:10 |
And the prediction is proven to be a fact. |
Then: |
Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:57 pm |
Moon is back into a fixed sign and here we go
again. A new session of powerful aftershock quakes
hit Chile today, although these are so powerful
they almost stand out on their own. The first
occurred at 14.39 GMT and measured 7,2 Richer. The
Moon is in a 45 degrees aspect and semi-square the
Sun. The Moon is 14 degrees (+/- 15) off its
crucial opposition to its own position on 27
February. The Moon will be culminating at this
time tomorrow.
Asc 9TA09 MC 14AQ29 Moon 4AQ23
The Asc/MC midpoint is 26PI49 and conjunct Uranus.
I was hoping that the aftershocks were fizzling
Just for reference the Moon passes the sensitive
degree between 18-20hrs GMT tomorrow, Friday. |

Location: Oslo, Norway
Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:21 am
Post subject: |
No large
scale earthquake reported along the Chilean
coastline Friday and that is good news as I wasn't
expecting one initially. Thursday's quakes were
horrifying enough. Additionally, it might be a
good sign that those quakes were thrown slightly
off angle. The 45 degree relationship between the
Sun and the Moon might have indicating that the
stress was being taken off center. We will just
have to hope that things quiet down.
The Moon moving into a mutable sign is a control
sector for the recent activity in Turkey and the Mediterranean.
We may attempt to track down sensitive areas in
perspective of new possible seismic stress around
13. April. The Moon will be around 9 Aries, which
adds to the idea of tension in the Earth's plates. |
Seismic pressures did
ease off and settle down from this point, as suggested. |
Full review of

Location: Oslo, Norway
Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:20 am
Post subject: |
7,2 Richter rocks Mexico on 4. April, 15.40 Local
time, 22.40 GMT.
This is bad news. It's early. Tension could be on
the build!
From my post of 27 February:
Quote: |
A another giga-sized
earthquake does not necessarily have to
occur on the next 45 day key-date but if
that were the case then 13 April is the
Being uncertain on this at present my best
guess would be directing a point from
somewhere in Sagittarius (Chile) and 45
degrees ahead into either the next sign
Capricorn, or to the first half of
Capricorn. Nations under the rulership of
either Capricorn or Aquarius could be
vulnerable for such a shake-up. |
Capricorn is the target and Mexico is ruled by
Capricorn. Mexico is vulnerable to large scale
earthquakes. It on a fault. The fact that Mexico
HAS already been hit by a quake is evidence that
the Moon HAS entered Capricorn by direction. The
worry and main problem is that yesterday's quake
is 9 days ahead of the key date of maximum
tension. It's disturbing. There could be something
here with the quake occurring 9 days ahead of the
key date and the sensitive degrees lying 9 degrees
into Cardinal signs, but I haven't worked that one
out, yet. |

Location: Oslo, Norway
Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:17 am
Post subject: |
7,2 Richter rocks Mexico
Under the thread on the 8,8 Richter earthquake
that hit Chile on 27 February I have been
exploring the idea of a 45 degree/day direction of
the Moon from Haiti (Libra or Scorpio?) on 12.
January to Chile (Sagittarius) on 27. February and
onwards to Capricorn on 13. April [Mexico or
India]. The present precaution is that yesterdays'
earthquake in Mexico came 9 days ahead of the date
anticipated to show maximum tension. |

Location: Oslo, Norway
Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:45 am
Post subject: |
6,9 Richter hits China
At least 300 people are reported dead and 8000
wounded, according to Aftenposten
this morning, in an Earthquake that shook China at
23.49 GMT on 13 April 2010. Local time: 07.49 on
14 April.
It is significant. The Universal Date is 13 April
and a key date I picked out way in advance. A
margin of +/- 1 day would be acceptable for this
kind of prediction at any rate. It is 90 days
since the earthquake of Haiti and 45 days since
the earthquake in Chile. But why this recent event
peaked in China, I haven't got a clue. I have to
throw in my cards at this point and say that this
is a far as I've got and that puts a limited to my
I still believe scientists and astrologers could
be working side by side in such a project to try
and unravel a pattern in nature. I do not believe
that a new giga-quake need occur on 28 May. My
experience from the 90's was that nature takes a
break at this point and hops over a few stops to
pick up the thread further down the line.
Key-dates can still be monitored for activity of
any kind. |

Location: Oslo, Norway
Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:11 am
Post subject: |
was a second Earthquake at 09.25 local time, or
01.25 GMT. Although this 2nd earthquake 'only'
measured 5,8 Richter in comparison to the 1st that
measured 6,9 Richter, it is possible that the 2nd
earthquake at a depth of 10 km was more
devastating than the 1st that occurred 42 km below
the earths surface. I think it worth considering
on whether it is the 1st or 2nd earthquake that is
the main event.
2nd Earthquake in

In the Chile
Earthquake of 27 February 2010 the Moon
was located 18LE25. When China was hit by the 6,9
Richter earthquake the Moon was 17AR47, then when
the 2nd earthquake occurred the Moon was 18AR37.
Notice how the IC in the 2nd chart is 17LE39. That
is conjunct the Moon in the Chile chart. The close
relationships between the charts are really quite
Additionally, all Air traffic has been
suspended in Norway today because of the
ashes in the atmosphere from the recent volcanic
eruption on Iceland. Apparently the UK is
affected, too. All these things happened at once
in conjunction with the estimated key date of 13
Report on air
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