Where are Jonathan's spectacles ? |
by Andrew J. Bevan, QHP, DMS Astrol. (c) 1990 |
My two-year old son, Jonathan, wear spectacles. Of present growth his one eye is a little bit smaller than the other, causing him to squint. He is also short sighted. The spectacles correct this. On Monday Jonathan's spectacles had disappeared. Occasionally he takes his spectacles off and he often hides things in various "safe" places. We looked everywhere, but Jonathan had to go to playschool without them. In the evening I checked with someone who we visited on Saturday. She said, "Why, Andrew, you should do a horary!" And so I did. The time was 17.30 LMT (16.30 GMT), 3.Dec.1990, Stavanger, 58N58, 5E45. |
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My question is asked on the day of the Moon and in the hour of Mercury. The disagreement between the lady of the day and the lord of the hour is an indication of mischief. There is no relation between the lord of the hour, Mercury, and the sign on the radical ascendant, Cancer. This indicates something that is not working properly, which is true, because Jonathan has problems with his eyesight. The lady of the day and the ascendant are one and the same planet, namely the Moon. The Moon opposes Mercury, lord of the hour, which shows a matter of inconvenience. Jonathan was certainly inconvenienced by going without his glasses. |
My Son, Jonathan, is signified by the 5th house and its' ruler, Mercury. Virgo is on the cusp of the 5th and Mercury is 2 degrees Capricorn. That's good, because Jonathan's a Virgo and two years of age. |
The Moon is co-significator of the question and in Cancer. William Lilly says on pg 119 of Christian Astrology that the Moon in Cancer is sensitive to the head, and on pg 81 that the Moon as significator often causes one eye a little larger than the other. I noticed that the Moon was in the degree of the nodes, featuring the defective eyesight, and the Sun and Moon were in inconjunct signs, as appropriate for the squint. The Moon rules the left eye for a male and the right eye of a female. Jonathan squints with his left.The Moon is co-significator of the question and in Cancer. William Lilly says on pg 119 of Christian Astrology that the Moon in Cancer is sensitive to the head, and on pg 81 that the Moon as significator often causes one eye a little larger than the other. I noticed that the Moon was in the degree of the nodes, featuring the defective eyesight, and the Sun and Moon were in inconjunct signs, as appropriate for the squint. The Moon rules the left eye for a male and the right eye of a female. Jonathan squints with his left. |
The spectacles are represented by the 2nd house from the 5th, which signifies the child's belongings. Scorpio is on the cusp, with Mars in his hayiz, intercepted in Gemini in the 8th house of the judgement chart. So are the spectacles an optical tool that corrects his vision. Mars is retrograde, showing that the spectacles to be recovered. Mars is also in reception with Mercury, Jonathan's signifier, who is in the exaltation of Mars. This offers another strong argument of recovery. |
The Moon is also co-significator of the spectacles and is in the 1st degree of her own sign Cancer. This would mean that the spectacles were near a threshold or door. William Lilly says on pg 86 of Christian Astrology that Cancer signifies the colour Green. The Moon in Cancer may also suggest an element of wetness. |
Luna applies directly to the opposition of Jonathan's significator, Mercury. But in view of the dignity of the Moon, the retrograde significator of the lost article, Mars, and the reception between Mercury and Mars, the spectacles were immediately found. |
On the Sunday afternoon I had taken the children for a short walk round the neighbourhood (Moon passing from Mars in Gemini). It had been raining and we all had our raincoats on. Jonathan got his spectacles wet, so I put them into my raincoat pocket and forgot them (Mars retrograde, intercepted in Gemini!!). The spectacles were recovered from my raincoat hanging in the hall by the entrance. No need to say, but my raincoat is green! The end. |
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