Date: Feb 12. 2011 - (c) Andrew Bevan, QHP, DMS Astrol.
Mubarak steps down in Egypt
The People win in Cairo
17 days of mass-demonstrations lead to the resign of Hosni Mubarak on Friday, February 11. 2011, who stepped down as president of Egypt and handed the administration over to the military in await of a free election.

Image: Allvoices

The time had just pasted 18.00 (16.02 GMT) on Friday as vice-president Omar Suleiman appeared on television and announced that Hosni Mubarak had resigned from power. This came at the very same time as the Moon culminated in the South in the sign of her exaltation and the people of Egypt raised their cheer and broke out in joy and ecstasy.


Chart for the announcement of Mubarak's resign

The Moon had only just come from her alignment with the fixed star Algol at 26TA28, which indicates a 'Rolling of Heads'. The mass demonstrations had virtually put the nation at a standstill the past two weeks and the conjunction of the Moon with Algol in the South is in agreement with somebody loosing their 'Head', position of leadership or ability to act. 


Astro*Cartography chart of the New Moon, February 3. 2011 - Cairo


The pressure was on Egypt in the Astro*Cartography chart cast for the New Moon of February 3. This was pointed out in the map posted on January 29. The intersecting lines of planets Saturn and Pluto cause situations of mass tension and frustration. At the same time the planet of war, Mars, was joining with the Sun in the sign of democracy, Aquarius. In effect we have seen the people of Egypt run against the 29 year long regime of Hosni Mubarak in their cry for political change and a chance for democracy. The period of 29 years also being interesting because it agrees with the synodic period of Saturn of 29 1/2 years. Mubarak stepped into power on Ocbober 14.1981. 
Many people had advance pointed out that Friday, February 4. would be the Destiny-Day in Cairo, as the planet Mars moved through the 'Heart of the Sun'. This is a situation where a planet is overwhelmed by the powers of the Sun both before and afterwards, but for a short period is raised to a position of high principles. However, significant configurations do not also express themselves momentarily. like something that is over and done with in a flash, but they may be due to cast their shadow or effects either forwards or backwards in time.
Astro*Cartography chart of the waxing Half-Moon, February 11. 2011
Seeing that issues were not dealt with and resolved on the New Moon of February 3., this passed the pressures on to the Moon's first quarter, which occurred at 07.19 GMT, February 11. 2011. As a matter of interest, it can be seen how the lines of Pluto and Saturn continue to pressure the area, but they have changed place. In the map of Feb 3. Saturn was on the meridian, while Pluto was in the horizon. In the chart of Feb 11. Pluto is on the meridian, with Saturn in the horizon. This becomes even more clear by taking a look at a conventional chart.
Conventional chart of the waxing Half-Moon, February 11. 2011
In the conventional chart it is easy to see Saturn, Lord of the 10th house, setting in the West - so Mubarak resigns from power. The planet Pluto, who provokes a forced situation, is culminating in the South with Venus, who is Lady of both Saturn in Libra and the waxing Moon in Taurus. Venus in the sign of Capricorn and Saturn in Libra are in mutual reception, which also indicates a way of getting out of a situation, moving from one place to another or a resolving shift of action.
Source: Aftenposten, Allvoices
