Date: 15.12.2010, Last addition 22.04.2011 - (c) Andrew Bevan, QHP, DMS Astrol.

Eurovision Song Contest 2011


Eurovision 2011 - Victory moves West?

It's early days yet, but the first glance at the chart for the Eurovision Song Contest Final to be held in Düsseldorf on May 14. 2011 suggests that Victory will be moving West. The United Kingdom, Ireland and France are on the top of astrologer Andrew Bevan's list in predictions presented  at already on October 16. 2010 - and that is before participating nations had decided their winning entries!! Bevan held Alexander Rybak as outright favorite for the 2009 final and predicted success for Lena Meyer and Germany in 2010.  Can a map of the Heavens provide any information of who is in for a chance this time round? In 2011 it is likely to be an exciting contest!


Chart for the Eurovision 2011 Final, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Link to:


The chart shows the Sun angular in the chart on the cusp of the 7th house. It's just before Sunset and the Sun in the sign of Taurus could this take the victory SouthWest?
Mercury, Lord of the 10th house applies to Venus in Aries. Mars, who is Lord of the 5th house, is in the exaltation degree of the Moon in Taurus and in mutual reception with Venus. This could be interpreted to be nations like the United Kingdom or Ireland, or maybe the flashy Sun in the horizon could prove a testimony for France?
No Surprise: The actual 'Song' is likely to provide the crucial clue. But what are we looking for?  - Considering the angular Sun in the 7th house and the Moon in Libra, together with the condition of Mars in the exaltation degree of the Moon and in reception with Venus - I wonder whether the lyrics will reflect partnership, sharing, travel and belonging together, says Andrew Bevan. There is nothing extraordinary about that - but maybe Mars in the 6th also has something to do about functionality and solving a problem.
The evaluation will be continued as the arrangement approaches.


Other links:
Astronor - 4. May 2010 ; "Germany will Win"
Astronor - 18. March 2010 ; "Armenia & Sweden - Celestial favorites?"
Hegnar Online - 17. May 2009 ; "Rybak and Norway wins Eurovision"
Hegnar Online - 15. May 2009 ; "Astrologer believes Norwegian victory in Moscow"
NRK - 22. February 2009 ; "Stars Predicts Norwegian Success"
New entry: April 20. 2011 - From the thread at ''
Update on the 2011 Contest

I am very pleased with developments in this year’s Eurovision so far. That is considering that as early as October last year the early suggestion that victory may move SouthWest, and that either England, Ireland or France may win. With ‘England’ I do, of course, mean the United Kingdom. I forgot. My mistake. Someone should explain why the United Kingdom is entered into some contests, while the Union is broken down into England, Scotland and Wales in others. However, I am pleased with the development of the prediction, considering it was made BEFORE the songs even were selected. According to Bookmakers, France is favorite by odds, followed by Estonia and with the United Kingdom running 3rd. That is two of my three candidates in the top three!!

Now we have had opportunity to listen to the entries. I have to be honest, while ‘Lipstick’, representing Taurus-ruled Ireland, is likely to rock a wide audience, I don’t think it is going to make it to the top this year. If I was to swap cards and exchange one Taurus nation for another, I would probably go for Azerbaijan – but this is South East of Dûsseldorf and does not agree with the initial prediction.

Matching nation, title and lyrics with the event chart
My opinion is that the winning entry is likely to be that nation that has a suitable entry that comes closest to the event chart at time the final hits off in Düsseldorf at 21.00 CEST on May 14. 2011.
Oct.28: I wonder whether the topic of the lyrics could reflect partnership, sharing, travel and belonging together. Now there is nothing particularly original about that - but maybe Mars in the 6th also has something to do about functionality and solving a problem?

In my opinion, a great song performed by sympathetic artists. The trouble with the Azerbaijan entry is that it is called ‘Running Scared’ and the lyrics remind me of someone in desperate consideration of whether to jump of the side of a bridge (Moon in Libra). The song is about a guy so crazy for this girl he’s scared about just about everything… breathing, life, the light, the dark. All the same, he seems to think this demonstrates satisfactory strength to attract and protect the girl of his life. I think not. Well, in the event chart there is the mutual reception between Mars and Venus, rulers of the 1st and 7th houses. The Moon has recently separated from the body of Saturn and square of Pluto. That could be about enough to scare the wits out of anyone. But I feel the song misses it’s mark. Mars, lord of the 5th, is in the exaltation degree of the Moon will reach higher. Mars was in the very same degree in Taurus in the horary chart in 1987 that predicted Ireland would win, but here the state of Taurus-urgency was expressed by the phrase 'Hold Me Now!' (Link)

The French entry, Sognu ( “Dream” or “I Would Dream About Her” ) does reach higher and could be the winner. The first thing that caused me to pick France as a candidate was the angularity of the Sun. France being ruled by Leo. The nation is also located SouthWest of Germany, as could be shown by the significator in Taurus on the cusp of the 7th house. The song is about a warrior who expresses the dedication to his love on the evening before he is due to go to battle. ‘Dream’ could be an appropriate title for a winning song with planet Neptune recently entering Pisces, but Neptune isn’t significantly tied into the chart. For France’s winning potential it is more important to consider the Moon’s antiscia to the Midheaven, she being the Star of Slumber. And there are many indications that the French entry is a dedication to the Moon. Quote: ‘Dream of her lips, of her soft and pure voice, Of a memory forever embraced, of this night, right by your side.’ I am knelt down in front of the ocean.’ etc. It is powerful poetry.

The Mars is in the exaltation degree of the Moon, in reception with Venus in Aries. As we listen to the music, there are the ‘military’ drums in the background that reminds of Gustav Holst’s masterpiece ‘Mars, The Bringer of War’. Mars is in the 6th house, which according to Van Norstand represents the military forces. Sognu does also have a Romeo-Juliet quality about it and ends with the words “My beloved, if you die, I'll die with you”. Less the reception, Mars and Venus are in the sign of their detriments and they depend upon one another.

United Kingdom
I think this years Eurovision is going to be United Kingdom and France. The UK gets to enjoy the Sun on the cusp of the 7th house, because the Sun is exalted in Aries, signifying Britain, and the direction is still right. And there will have been a Royal Wedding (7th house) that is likely to cause a rally for the Union Jack and national interests for some time to come. Leo is intercepted in the 9th house, which could indicate ‘something on an Island’, if the French favorite doesn’t make it to the finishing line. The song title ‘I Can’ does bear closeness to Obama’s winning slogan during his run for presidency a few years ago: ‘Yes, We Can!' However, the term ‘I Can’ is one of the most obvious expressions of functionality you can get to (i.e. Mars in the 6th) and seeing he is in reception with Venus who is in Aries in conjunction with Mercury, so there is nothing wrong with either readiness or aptness.

In the event chart the Moon is in the 17th degree of Libra in the 11th house and separates from the opposition to the Part of Fortune in the 5th. The entry that is performed by the reunited boy-band ‘Blue’ starts with the lyrics; You were the eyes in the face of fortune, I lost my way and I couldn’t find you. We’re not the first ones to be divided. Won’t be the last to be reunited. And then there is the refrain; “I can, I will, I know, I can untie these hands.“ There is a strong indication to the presence of Mars, Aries and influence of Mercury. The song has a good drumbeat and the title ‘I Can’ addresses itself in an immediate, urgent and direct manner similar to ‘Hold Me Now!' as referred to earlier.

There is also a political consideration being that in a time of such uncertainty in both Europe and the world at large, I think, as last year, the poll will tend to seek out one of the 'Big nations' who play an important part in multi-national economical or political issues, and hold the keys as it were, and a nation that can demonstrate strong national traditions both historically and on a global level.

Maybe France have the best song, but the United Kingdom could still come out as winners. My first bet goes with the United Kingdom. Good Luck to all entries!
