Date: 02.06.2010 Update: 03.07.2010
The World Cup in Football 2010 Check: Solar Eclipse Graphics Astrologer misses a shot - Judgment off track.After picking the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest for two years in a row, the Norwegian/British astrologer Andrew Bevan moves on to study the celestial pattern for the 2010 World Cup in Football. In the World Cup 2006 he suggested the winner to be either France or Italy. As we remember, France and Italy met in the final with victory going the the Italians (Link). In 1986 his prediction was Argentina (Link), which also proved correct. This year he thinks the battle is between Brazil, Argentina and Portugal. However, the quarterfinals on 2. July and 3. July wiped doubt all to one side. Holland beat Brazil and then Germany defeated Argentina. " I got it wrong," the astrologer admits. "- Everything that happens from this point is is for for the learning. I am not sure people understand that missing is easy - but being dead on the spot is darn difficult. It is like trying to hit the Bull's Eye every time you throw a dart. It is down to practice and every expert has been at the stage of missing the board." - In retrospect things may be learnt regarding judgment and technique, but it is too late into the game for second guesses. I still maintain that the horary chart is in for the learning. The hiccup lies in the introverted Mercury (retrograde) with the fact that the chart lacked a natural radicality. The latter is often an underdog testimony or that matters fare with the rubble. Mercury, lord of the ascendant, retrograde, indicates either a repetition, reverse or return in the matter in questions - or that matters that move into new territory are due to unanticipated turns. - Let's admit our mistakes for the time being. There will be an aftermath and maybe there will be something that be learnt and taken further and prove useful at the next approach, Bevan says.
Who will win the World Cup 2010?
The first perspectives are taken from a horary chart, which is a chart calculated according to the query and approach of the artist. There is nothing scientific about this approach but rests on the problem reaching the expert and his ability to find a parting in the clouds and look ahead. However, horary astrology represents a fascinating technique in being able to frame a question and capture the moment. The accuracy of the judgment is testimony of whether the astrologer has been 'on net' or not.
Brazil first There is little doubt in the astrologers mind that Brazil is at the top of the list to win the World Cup trophy 2010. "The dignity and placement of Mercury indicates that a nation in the South West is due to win this years tournament. Mercury rules the sign Virgo that is in the ascendant of the chart and Virgo is representative of Brazil. Because Mercury is moving backwards in the chart the trophy is returned to the former champions. Brazil won the World Cup in Football in 2002."
Portugal or Argentina? "The question regarding the second team in the final is more difficult. There is a strong Portuguese factor evident in the chart, but this could be due the language being spoken in both Portugal and Brazil. The planet Venus is strong in the chart, which may indicate the extraordinary and lean to Portugal. If Brazil do meet Portugal in the final then Brazil are favorites to win." - However, Venus is in Gemini, which gives preference to Libra that is associated with Brazil's neighbor, Argentina. If Brazil come up against Argentina the result could get a lot closer and go either way, but according to judgment I still hold Brazil as favorites, says Andrew Bevan.
The Opening Match
The tournament kick off with the opening game in Johannesburg on 11. June 2010 at 16.00 CST between South Africa and Mexico. Out of curiosity, Mercury holds a strong position in this chart and is angular in the Western horizon. The 7th house is frequently associated with the destination of a journey.
The World Cup 2010 Final
The final is to be played in Johannesburg at 20.30 CST on 11. July 2010. The three planets Venus, Mars and Saturn are all located in Virgo, the sign of Brazil. "This is a tricky one, because the state of Venus in the West may offer fortune to the Brazilians but hazard to their opponents," says the astrologer.
In summary, the astrologers tips:
Links: | ||||
World Cup in Football 1986 | ||||
World Cup in Football 2006 | ||||
Eurovision Song Contest 1987 | ||||
Eurovision Song Contest 2009 | ||||
Eurovision Song Contest 2010 | ||||
Other Articles of interest | ||||
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Disclaimer: Please note that Andrew Bevan accepts no liability for the outfall of any prediction, estimates or likelihood provided. His judgment and personal opinion on the flow of current affairs are for educational or entertainment purposes only. | ||||
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