Students section - Horary Astrology
Andrew J. Bevan, QHP, DMS Astrol.
A case of parental crises: Where is Selene's Dummy?
Where are Jonathan's Spectacles?
Where and when will the Oil hit shore?
Burst pipes - Where is the leak?
Where is the Seagulls' nest?
Where is the Missing Tricycle?
Whether a Woman was Pregnant and should be with Child?
Will the querent Wed his Girfriend?
A piece of Jewlery - lost or mislaid?
Who will Win the Eurovison Song Contest 1987?
Whether the Student may pass her physiotherapy examination?
Whether a Student may pass her medicine examination?
Will my Banger of a Car make it across the Mountains? 
Will I win the Race to the North Pole ?
Is it safe to travel to Sweden today?
Can I cross the Antarctica in 85 days?
Will I be offered the job as Physiotherapist?
When will train services be resumed?
Will my Father in Law survive?
Missing Boy found

